Red Team Operations

Red Team Ops simulate a real attack against the enter­prise. We stay updated on ma­licious attackers TTPs (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures), latest trends, and tools by the information security com­munity; applying this collec­tive knowledge bundled with experiences through various pen tests and previous engage­ments. The attacks include us­ing custom developed tools and hardware kits to bypass the security controls. The Red Team Operations engagement consists of a realistic, “no-holds-barred” attack scenario in your environment.

SecureWay  red team uses any nondestructive methods necessary to accomplish a set of jointly agreed upon mission objectives while simulating attacker behavior. The red team closely mimics a real attacker’s active and stealthy attack methods, recent incident response engagements. This helps assess your security team’s ability to detect and respond to an active attacker scenario.

Teleco Pentest

SecureWay provides a comprehensive solution for telecom security through network element configuration review, GSM core network security, Air interface Pentest and SS7 and SIG­TRAN consulting. Our assignments are based on thorough assessment and report submis­sion with detailed bugs review and ratings ac­cording to standards.

SecurWay provides a range of telecom and network security assessment solutions to detect and address weaknesses in mobile network infrastructure, data flow, physical environment, third-party vendor security and standards compliance.

Social Engineering Assessment

Attackers aggressively bombard end users with spear-phishing, malware, and social en­gineering attacks to gain access to confiden­tial data and the internal network, bypassing external infrastructure defenses. Internal em­ployee workstations and workflow are vul­nerable to email phishing attacks, telephony/ vishing and data storage malware infections, making the company vulnerable. We use advanced developed tools in our custom infrastruc­ture to serve realistic scenarios.

SCADA security review

This service aims at reviewing the securi­ty architecture of the SCADA network and services configured at the different compo­nents of the HMI, RTUs, Controller Machine. The communication protocols used by the applications are also inspected against the industry standards. The tests are operat­ed by skilled certified consultants without causing any possible downtime to the envi­ronment.

What We Do


Skills That Make a Meaningful Difference for Your Business

With SecureWay's services, you will find the weak spots in your critical assets and strengthen them.

43% of attacks are all targeted at small business enterprises 43%

SecureWay advises and supports businesses with a global service package designed to meet their IT security needs. SecureWay is a company specialized in cybersecurity and information security to offer a full range of services in the security field such as :
• Cybersecurity.
• Secure Infrastructure.
• Red Teaming Services (RTS).
• Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC).
• Awareness & Training.

Our team members are extremely trained and experienced with past exposure in the corporate world as distinguished professionals.

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